

ACPEF News   March 10, 2020

ACPEF Announces 2020 Annual Appeal Co-Chairs


Before his time as Chair concluded, Dr. Leonard Kobren invited Dr. Gary Nord and Dr. Hesham Nouh to lead the 2020 Annual Appeal. Both graciously and enthusiastically accepted this leadership role.

"I have been involved with my local ACP section (MA) for years now and have been looking forward to serving the national organization. I was happy to accept the position of Co-Chair of the 2020 ACPEF Annual Appeal when the opportunity arose. As a resident, I received support from the ACPEF and now today, I'm still a beneficiary through the ongoing collaboration and information received as a faculty member through the Joint Dental Educators Conferences. I look forward to further promoting the ACPEF’s mission to aid future generations of prosthodontists and advance the profession," Dr. Hesham Nouh (pictured left).

"I am thrilled to Co-Chair the 2020 ACPEF Annual Appeal. I am grateful to the ACPEF for the support it provided throughout my professional training, and now I am glad to be able to give back to make sure that the Foundation is able to continue that same support for future young prosthodontists. I hope to be able to impart the importance of the Foundation to other prosthodontists and the vital support that it provides," Dr. Gary Nord (pictured right).

Please join with the ACPEF Board of Directors in thanking Drs. Nouh and Nord for leading this year's Annual Appeal. Currently, they are in the process of recruiting the remainder of the committee. If interested, please reach out to acpef@prosthodontics.org or 312-573-1260 by this Friday, March 13.


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