

Journal of Prosthodontics News  

15 Exceptional Years for Dr. David Felton

feltonThe ACP would like to thank Dr. David Felton for 15 exceptional years as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Prosthodontics. Dr. Felton's last day as editor will be June 30. His farewell editorial is featured in the June issue of the Journal.

On Dr. Felton's watch, the Journal of Prosthodontics has grown from a quarterly journal of 65 pages an issue to a journal that publishes nine, 95-page issues a year. He oversaw the shift from a paper-based submission and review system to one that is conducted entirely online. He instituted a dedicated Editorial Review Board, journal-based CE, and annual virtual (online only) issues.

His most important accomplishment was securing the Journal of Prosthodontics a listing in the annual Journal Citation Reports' impact factor rankings, a measure of a journal's quality and a recognition of its scientific validity.

As of this writing, Dr. Felton has reviewed 5,773 new manuscript submissions and 3,295 revisions. He has read and approved 1,656 articles for publication. He has mentored reviewers, section editors, and authors, attempting to always provide an encouraging word, even to authors whose work is not chosen for publication.

We are grateful to Dr. Felton for his leadership and his steadfast devotion to the promotion of scientific literature in prosthodontics, and we look forward to introducing Dr. Radi Masri as the new Editor-in-Chief in July.

Dated June 20, 2018


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