

ACP News   April 10, 2014

2014 Member Speaker Forum: Call for Abstracts

ACP members are encouraged to submit an abstract for oral presentation at the Member Speaker Forum on Nov. 7 at the ACP Annual Session in New Orleans.

Time allotments are limited and papers will be selected based on scientific content, submission date and available time. The oral presentations are restricted to a 15 min. time allotment: 12 min. for presentation and 3 min. for questions.

Abstracts are due Aug. 15 to:

Chair, Member Speaker Forum
Stephen Wagner, D.D.S., F.A.C.P.

Please review the guidelines before submitting an abstract.


This session is for current members of the ACP only, excluding students and residents. Students and resident members may apply to present a Table Clinic instead. You must be an active member of the ACP to submit an abstract. If you are not current with annual dues or have not yet joined the ACP, please do so before submitting an abstract.

Selected presenters will be notified no later than Aug. 30.


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