

ACP News, ACPEF News  

2015 Annual Appeal: Final Tally

We are pleased to announce the success of the 2015 ACPEF Annual Appeal.

First, it's important to understand what the Annual Appeal Committee set out to accomplish in 2015.

2015 Goals:

  • Raise $200,000
  • Secure 10% member participation

After processing the end of year commitments, please join us in celebrating the success that was accomplished thanks to the leadership, industry supporters, and most importantly, each of you individual ACP members who gave personally to prosthodontic education, research, and growth of the specialty.

2015 Totals:

  • Raised: $219,347 (109% of the goal!)
  • Secured member participation: 440 (115% of the goal!)

Click here for the full list of 2015 Annual Appeal donors.

Dated Jan. 13, 2016


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