

ACP News  

2016 Slate of Nominations

The ACP Nominating Committee is pleased to present the proposed slate of nominations for the College's 2016 election:

Vice President: Dr. Nadim Z. Baba and Dr. Lino P. Calvani

Education and Research Division Director: Dr. Farhad Vahidi and Dr. Alvin G. Wee

Continuing & Professional Education Division Director: Dr. Lars O. Bouma and Dr. Amerian D. Sones

Region 2 Membership Director: Dr. Paivi A. Samant

Region 4 Membership Director: Dr. B. Todd Pickle

Region 5 Membership Director: Dr. Robert E. Stover

Region 7 Membership Director: Dr. Caroline T. Nguyen

ACP Council for the ABP (Past Examiner - 2 positions): Dr. Stephen D. Campbell and Dr. Donald A. Curtis


Members may submit additional nominees by petition through July 21, 2016. Those nominee(s) meeting the petition requirements of 100 signatures by eligible voting members are placed on the slate. The final slate of nominations will be published to the membership on July 25 and voting will run from August 22 to September 12.

Please visit ACP Governance to view the ACP Election FAQs including the petition information. Please contact ACP Sections & Governance Director, Nathalie Williams if you have any problems accessing the information.

The 2016 Nominating Committee:

  • Dr. Frank J. Tuminelli, Nominating Committee Chair
  • Dr. Susan E. Brackett
  • Dr. Heather Joan Conrad
  • Dr. Caroline A. Grasso
  • Dr. David J. Kopecki
  • Dr. Sundeep R. Rawal
  • Dr. Stephen A. Wagner

Dated June 10, 2016


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