

ACP News  

2017 Digital Poster Session Results

During the Annual Session in San Francisco, 115 posters were presented digitally. The ePosters varied between presentations of research results, clinical outcomes, laboratory techniques, and more. 


Congratulations to the following resident and dental student winners!

Resident Competition:

  • 1st place: Dr. Nicholas R. Miller, United States Army (pictured with Dr. Sang Lee)
  • 2nd place: Dr. Yuanlynn Hsieh, University of Michigan
  • 3rd place: Dr. Robert Slauch, University of Connecticut Health Center

as17_dental_student_posterDental Student Competition:

  • 1st place: Ms. Michelle Llinas, University of Connecticut Health Center (pictured with Dr. Lee)
  • 2nd place: Mr. William A. Randi, Columbia University
  • 3rd place: Mr. Alexander Sikora, University at Buffalo

Thank you to everyone who entered, to the judges, to Dr. Lee for his work as Chair of the competition, and to GlaxoSmithKline for sponsoring the session.

All ePosters can be accessed accessed online in the ePoster Gallery.

Dated Nov. 9, 2017


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