

Annual Session News   November 8, 2018

2018 Digital Poster Session Results


During the Annual Session in Baltimore, 106 posters were presented digitally. The ePosters varied between presentations of research results, clinical outcomes, laboratory techniques, and more. 

Congratulations to the following resident and dental student winners!

Resident Competition (Original Research):

1st Place:
Conical Implant Abutment Repositioning after Dynamic Cyclic Loading and Relation to Screw Torque Reduction: A Pilot Study
Penny Planzos, DMD
Columbia University (2019)

2nd Place:
Quantitative Analysis of the Selective Impression Technique Using CAD/CAM Technology
Brett E. Stein, DMD
Harvard University (2019)

3rd Place:
Force Required to Remove Prefabricated Posts from Teeth Treated with an Er:YAG and Nd:YAG Laser
Jacob J. England, DDS 
United States Navy (2019)

Resident Competition (Case Presentations):

1st Place:
Digitally Guided Technique for Crown Lengthening in an Amelogenesis Imperfecta Patient
Elena Chachik, DDS
New York University (2019)

2nd Place:
How to Choose a Bone Supported Surgical Guide for Fixed Detachable Implant Restorations: A Case Series
Nisha Patel, BDS
Marquette University (2019)

3rd Place:
Shedding New Light on Translucent Esthetic Materials
Paul Springs, DMD 
Montefiore Medical Center (2020)

Dental Student Competition:

1st Place:
The Effect of Manufacturing on the Fit of Lithium Disilicate Crowns
Michael Simon, BS
University at Buffalo (2019)

2nd Place:
Validity of Using “%Comparison” for Assessing the Preparation Depth
Brian Lawson, BS
University of Buffalo (2019)

3rd Place:
Influence of Prepared Intercuspal Angulation on Marginal Fit, Resistance, and Retention of CAD/CAM Fabricated Lithium Disilicate
Reena Patel, BS
University at Buffalo (2019)

Thank you to everyone who entered, to the judges, to Dr. Lee for his work as Chair of the competition, and to BioHorizons for sponsoring the session.

All ePosters can be accessed accessed online in the ePoster Gallery.


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