

ACPEF News   November 7, 2018

GSK Prosthodontist Innovator Award: Applications Now Open

The ACP Education Foundation is proud to announce the 2018 GSK Prosthodontist Innovator Award.

The goals of this sponsored research are to advance the understanding of prosthodontics-related biological and/or materials systems, human behavior, cost and care delivery, as well as economic modeling and quality of life investigations.

Sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare through an unrestricted educational grant, single-year funding to initiate or foster research in specific areas of interest relating to prosthodontic care will be awarded to an ACP prosthodontist and to his/her institution. This research grant is open to prosthodontist members (Members, Fellows, International members, International Fellows) of the ACP who are full-time faculty at a US or a Canadian dental school or a related academic institution. Applicants must be within 10 years of their first academic appointment after completing their ADA-accredited prosthodontic residency and show outstanding promise in their research area.

Read the submission guidelines carefully. Applications must be received by the ACP Education Foundation by Nov. 9, 2018.


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