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2021 President's Award: Dr. Susan E. Brackett


The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) honored Dr. Susan E. Brackett with the 2021 President’s Award at the Annual Awards Ceremony during the 51st Annual Session of the ACP, held virtually Oct. 26-30, 2021. This award acknowledges an individual’s service to the College that goes above and beyond what is expected.

Dr. Brackett was selected to receive this award by the 2020-2021 ACP President Dr. Mark C. Hutten.

“Each year there are several individuals that stand out for consideration, however, this year one stood out above the rest," said Dr. Hutten “Dr. Brackett has always been welcoming to all individuals of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and overall members of the ACP and I am honored to consider her my friend.”

During her specialty training, Dr. Brackett became aware of the importance of supporting the specialty by becoming active in the ACP. In the years following her prosthodontic raining, she served as an officer in the state section of the ACP, represented Oklahoma in the House of Delegates, and served on numerous committees and task forces. Dr. Brackett also supported the ACP Education Foundation’s (ACPEF) initial capital campaign, ultimately serving as co-chair of the Annual Appeal and later serving nine years on the ACPEF Board. Dr. Brackett has held numerous positions on the ACP Board of Directors, ultimately serving as ACP President from 2016-2017.

“I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Dr. Mark Hutten through our service on the ACP Board of Directors. As Dr. Hutten began his ascension to the ACP presidency, I offered my support if he ever needed my involvement, something I encouraged at every opportunity.” Dr Brackett said, “I am grateful that he took me up on that offer, as it allowed me to continue serving the ACP and our specialty, something that is deeply important to me. Dr. Hutten’s leadership year certainly presented unique problems due to the pandemic, however his dedication to serving our members clearly showed as the College has accomplished many important initiatives despite the complexity of the pandemic. I am honored by his friendship and the recognition as the 2021 President’s Award recipient.”

The 2021 President’s Award is sponsored by Thommen Medical.


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