

ACP News  

A Message from 2022 Region 7 Membership Director Dr. Igor Pesun


“I have been a member of the ACP since 1992 and currently serve as the Region 7 (International) Director. Currently I am the founding Graduate Prosthodontic Program Director at the University of Manitoba. The support members provide through their ACP memberships and contributions to the ACPEF allows for the advancement for prosthodontics. The ACP and ACPEF provide significant assistance for students and residents to appreciate what prosthodontics is all about.

The pandemic has provided the ACP an opportunity to expand their continuing education from just face-to-face meetings to multiple in-person and virtual educational programs. The wide variety of offerings has helped not just those still in school but those in private practice. I encourage everyone not just to renew their membership but to also attend the ACP Annual Session to make face-to-face contact with your colleagues. My continued interaction with the ACP has allowed me to make contacts throughout the prosthodontic community around the world.”

If you haven't already done so, please renew your ACP membership today. If you do not remember your login information, you can use the Forgot Password or Forgot Username links. If you have questions regarding your renewal, please contact the Membership Department by email or at (312) 573-1260.


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