

ACP News  

A Message from 2023 Region 1 Membership Director, Dr. Louis Desantis


Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting messages from the ACP Regional Membership Directors. Here is a message from Region 1 Membership Director Dr. Louis F. DeSantis:

“Why do I belong to the American College of Prosthodontists? I think the more important question to ask is where would we be as a specialty without the ACP. I belong for the same reason that we all do—it defines and legitimizes our specialty. The ACP remains paramount to our specialty’s health and growth.

As the membership in the College grows and the ranks of board-certified prosthodontists increases, we are still a small specialty. However, each of us, whether in private practice, the military, or academia, has a voice that is loud, powerful, and heard. When we speak as one, we can accomplish great things. Please continue your support of the College, reach out to your regional directors with issues that you feel need to be addressed, and when given the opportunity to volunteer your service, please do so.”

If you haven't already done so, please renew your ACP membership today. If you do not remember your login information, you can use the Forgot Password or Forgot Username links. If you have questions regarding your renewal, please contact the Membership Department by email or at (312) 573-1260.


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