

Membership News   March 2, 2021

A Message from Region 4 Membership Director Dr. Eva Boldridge


The landscape of prosthodontics has changed drastically in the last 10 years. Rapid onset of digital dentistry, astronomical debt for graduates matched with the rising cost of opening a practice, and changes in dental marketing with social media all pose new challenges to existing and rising prosthodontists. The American College of Prosthodontists has been at the forefront of bringing new systems and events to address these changes. From the Digital Dentistry Symposium, Practice Management Course, Section Leadership Workshop, and the virtual Annual Session, the ACP has worked hard to address these issues firsthand.

Does more work need to be done? YES. There is ALWAYS more that needs to be done. I believe there is a wealth of knowledge, energy, and charisma within our membership and potential membership to address these new challenges. The ACP is the sponsoring organization for our specialty with the National Commission on Recognition of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards. If we want to keep strengthening the importance of our specialty, we must work collectively through membership to ensure that our specialty maintains its relevance.

As Region 4 Membership Director, I feel it is my responsibility to bring back some of the members that we have “lost” along the way, encourage new membership, welcome new ideas, and help to make connections within Region 4. Membership matters. Collectively we can work to bring more awareness to highlight our specialty.

If you haven't already done so, please renew your ACP membership today. If you do not remember your login information, you can use the Forgot Password or Forgot Username links. If you have questions regarding your renewal, please contact the Membership Department by email or at (312) 573-1260.


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