

ACPEF News   March 31, 2020

A Message from the ACPEF Chair - We Could Use A Dose Of Our Own Medicine


At the core of our work, we help people smile, and right about now I think we could use a dose of our own medicine.

We are in an unprecedented time in the world and in dentistry. The ACP and ACPEF are cognizant of the demands everyone is under. Our members are overwhelmed with treating emergency patients, covering office and personnel costs, educating our students and residents, and possibly being called up to the front lines to help to control this pandemic. Our corporate partners are also under immense pressure as they focus on caring for their employees, while continuing to serve front line healthcare workers.

What is making me smile is knowing how strong our prosthodontic community is as a family. The choices we are all making results from our mission to keep our patients smiling. These hard decisions are ultimately to keep them safe. As those in healthcare, our calling is to be stewards of the wellbeing of our communities. This isn’t easy and many of us while making the right decisions are faced with personal sacrifices.

This year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the ACP. A year when we’re already reflecting on the milestones, victories, and challenges of our past, we are confronted with what may be one of the most impactful events in our lifetime.

Everyday we’re choosing to do the hard, yet right things.

We want you to know we are here for you. How long the COVID-19 pandemic will last is uncertain. However, the ACP Education Foundation is here for our members and corporate partners. Together with the ACP Board of Directors, we are working hand in hand to help everyone get through this time in our history as a team. Please contact us with concerns. While we of course want to look toward the future, we are fully aware of these present challenges and know that we will get through this as a community.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this note. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing each other again soon.



Dr. Karen Bruggers, ACPEF Chair

Click here for the ACP COVID-19 Resource Center.

Please contact the ACPEF through the following channels and your questions will be directed to the appropriate person to respond: acpef@prosthodontics.org or 312-573-1260.


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