
Building the College

Building the College

1973: The first issue of the ACP's membership publication, the Newsletter, was published. It was renamed the Messenger in 1991 and continues to this day.

1976: The first ACP Prosthodontic Research Award was established. This was later renamed in honor of Dr. John J. Sharry as the John J. Sharry Prosthodontic Research Competition (1982).

1979: ACP membership reached 1,012 members.

1985: The ACP Education Foundation was established to support the vision of the College and the needs of the specialty in education and research.


1990: During the 21st Annual Session in Charleston, South Carolina, the first ACP House of Delegates convened.

1992: The first issue of the Journal of Prosthodontics was published.

1994: As the ADA-recognized organization for the specialty of prosthodontics, the ACP became the new sponsor of the American Board of Prosthodontics (ABP) upon dissolution of the Federation of Prosthodontic Organizations (FPO).


1994: Sponsored by the ACP, the Prosthodontic Forum was established to create a unified voice in the representation of the discipline of prosthodontics and provide a means of exchanging ideas, incentives and information between prosthodontically oriented organizations.

1994: ACP headquarters relocated from San Antonio to Chicago, in the American Dental Association building.


1996: The ACP debuted its first website, Prosthodontics.org.

2001: The ACP Center for Prosthodontic Education was formed to provide high quality seminars and hands-on training courses for prosthodontists and affiliated dental professionals.

2001: The ACP Dental Technician Alliance was formed to foster a team-building mechanism between technicians and their prosthodontic partners.


2006: The ACP and ACPEF sponsored Reframing the Future of Prosthodontics: An Invitational Leadership Summit, intended to review critical issues facing prosthodontics and the future of prosthodontic education.

2006: The College introduced a new membership category for prosthodontic educators, the Academic Alliance.

2007: The ACP House of Delegates voted to dissolve, paving the way for the current ACP Regions & Sections.

2007: The College introduced two new membership categories: the Global Alliance and the Predoctoral Alliance.

2008: The ACP conducted its first online election.

2008: ACP membership reached 3,000 members.

2008: The College launched the Wednesday Wake-up Call™, a weekly e-newsletter for members, and its first social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter shortly afterward.

2009: The College launched Prosthopedia®, an online resource library for the field of prosthodontics.

2009: The College introduced a new membership category for graduate students interested in prosthodontics, the Advanced Program and Graduate Student Alliance.

2011: The ACP launched a new consumer website, GoToAPro.org, equipped with the Find a Prosthodontist search.

2013: Membership voted to amend the bylaws to give Resident/Graduate Student members the right to vote.

2014: The ACP debuted its first app, the Board Study Guide for iOS and Android tablets and smartphones.

2015: The first Digital Dentistry Symposium was held in Chicago.

2015: The ACP published its first e-book, Fundamentals of Occlusion, for Apple iBooks and Amazon Kindle.

2015: The ACPEF announced a landmark $1.25 million commitment from Henry Schein to support the ACP's development of the first dental school curriculum for digital dentistry.

2016: The ACP published its second e-book, Women in Prosthodontics, to celebrate the achievements of pioneering women in the specialty.

2016: The specialty joined the Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program (the 'Match').

2017: National Commission on Recognition of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards is established. The ACP represents the specialty of prosthodontics on this board. 

2018: The ACP's Digital Dentistry Curriculum launches after more than two years of continuous effort with over 50 volunteers, the application for access has been shared with all deans of U.S. dental schools.

2020: Parameters of Care are updated to include diagnostic codes and maxillofacial procedures and codes. 

2020: The College advocates for the specialty by recertifying the specialty with the National Commission on Recognition of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards. 

2020: ACP Anywhere, the College's online education center, launches.

2020: The ACP celebrates 50 years! This celebration includes the first-ever virtual Annual Session of the ACP.