

ACP News  

ACP New York Section Recap


The New York Section of the ACP recently held its annual Fall Meeting on Oct. 18 at the Union League Club in New York City. Section President Dr. Elphida Ayvazian introduced Dr. Eva Anadioti who lectured on Digital, Adhesive and Micro Dentistry. Dr. Louis DeSantis, ACP Region 1 Director, gave an update that included news of the formation of a Northwest Chapter of the ACPNYS to better connect and engage members in the state.

The annual table clinic had 17 resident participants this year. Congratulations to the winners: Drs. Stacey Kerzhner & Aaron Lin from the Manhattan VA for first place, Dr. Ron Wang from Montefiore for second place and Dr. Rachel Brooke from Montefiore for third place.

Attendees enjoyed connecting during the cocktail hour mingling with the sponsors and viewing the graduate student poster presentations. This was followed by a three-course dinner. Over 120 attendees were present.

The New York Section of the American College of Prosthodontists embodies advances in scholarship, extols members’ dedication to the profession, embraces a deep sense of fellowship, and elevates successors to the highest esteemed level in our specialty. The next meeting will be held April 18, 2023 at the Union League Club in New York City.


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