

ACPEF News   July 16, 2019

ACPEF Funding Highlight: The Importance of Long-Term Care

The ACPEF, with generous support from Colgate-Palmolive, has written a white paper referencing the existing scientific data on the importance of long-term care and data collected from an April 2018 benchmarking survey. The paper is a collaborative effort led by Drs. Fatemeh Afshari and Judy Chia-Chun Yuan that highlights recommendations on how to incorporate prevention and supportive care education throughout curriculum based on competence statements and learning objectives. The white paper has been published online on the Journal of Prosthodontics website. In addition, the Journal of Dental Education has agreed to publish a guest editorial in the August 2019 edition by Drs. Lily Garcia, Stephen Campbell, Kent Knoernschild, and Donald Curtis describing the importance of long-term supportive care and directing readers to the white paper.

Here is an excerpt of their findings from the white paper:

“What dental students learn in dental school becomes the foundation for developing a practitioner’s habits and practices. Therefore, it becomes imperative that we, as educators, emphasize concepts of prevention, intervention, support and maintenance for the long-term oral health of persons in our community.”

In conjunction with the paper, a pilot study will be launched in August to assess the proposed competency-based curricular framework and subsequent recommendations outlined in the white paper. These recommendations may serve as an initial step in helping address student learning and patient care within the context of a recall system and home maintenance program. Three schools have been identified to participate in this year-long pilot study include: the pre-doctoral program at the University of Florida, Gainesville; the pre-doctoral program at Roseman University; and the post-doctoral program at the University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston. Congratulations to the three selected schools, and thank you to Colgate-Palmolive for the generous support.



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