

ACP News, ACPEF News  

ACPEF Welcomes New Chair and Vice Chair

kobren_and_bruggersAt the board meeting on Feb. 23, Dr. Leonard Kobren began his term as Chair of the ACP Education Foundation Board of Directors. Dr. Karen Bruggers will serve as Vice Chair.

"As a general practitioner of seven years prior to postgraduate prosthodontic education, I have an acute appreciation of the quantum difference that training has provided in my ability to deliver patient care at a level that I could have never before imagined," said Dr. Kobren, who maintains a private practice in White Plains, New York. "The entrée into the prosthodontic community has created friendships of common purpose and has given me a sense of personal and professional satisfaction that is extraordinary. As a private practitioner, this opportunity to serve the ACP Education Foundation fulfills a desire to help advance our specialty as it leads an explosive array of new, stunning, evidence-based ideas and technologies that will transform patient outcomes."

Dr. Bruggers is Department Head and Chair of the Department of Prosthodontics at LSU School of Dentistry. She has previously served as Secretary of the ACPEF Board of Directors. "Being given the privilege to serve the College as the Vice Chair of the ACPEF is a true honor," said Dr. Bruggers. "I am proud of the growth the Foundation has seen over the past years and in particular the increase in participation of our membership. I look forward to working with our corporate supporters, the ACP and ACPEF's boards, and our members to continue to grow our Foundation and its programs in the coming years."

The Foundation would also like to thank Dr. Lyndon Cooper, the outgoing chair, for his service.

Dated March 7, 2018


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