

Journal of Prosthodontics News   October 5, 2020

An 8-Year Clinical Outcome of a Fixed Dental Prosthesis


Now online in the Journal of Prosthodontics, a clinical report from Theodoros Tasopoulos, Aspasia Pachiou, George Kouveliotis, Georgia Karaiskou, Marc Ottenga, and Panagiotis Zoidis on the use of a modified PEEK Inlay Retained Resin Bonded Fixed Dental Prosthesis (IRRBFDPs) for the bilateral restoration of mandibular first molar teeth.

In this report, the authors present preparation guidelines, indications and advantages for the fabrication of IRRBFDPs. The modified PEEK material demonstrated excellent biocompatibility, good mechanical behavior, high temperature resistance, chemical stability and good bonding properties with veneering resins and resin cements.

Prosthetic replacement of single missing posterior mandibular teeth utilizing IRRBFDPs with high performance polymer materials could potentially offer long term high survival rates. No technical complications were reported in this study over an 8-year observation period.

Tasopoulos T, Pachiou A, Kouveliotis, G, et al. An 8‐Year Clinical Outcome of Posterior Inlay Retained Resin Bonded Fixed Dental Prosthesis Utilizing High Performance Polymer Materials: A Clinical Report. J Prosthodont 2020. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/jopr.13266


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