

American Board of Prosthodontics News   July 27, 2020

Announcement of Fall ABP Examination Change of Location and Dates

The American Board of Prosthodontics (ABP) will hold a Fall 2020 certification examination. With the many challenges presented with the current health environment and as the American College of Prosthodontists’ 2020 Annual Session will be virtual, the ABP has been able to secure an examination site in Chicago for the dates of Oct. 15-20, 2020. The Swisshotel, located at 323 East Upper Wacker Drive in Chicago, will be the examination site. Further details will be posted on the ABP website.

The capacity of this examination will be limited to conform to all the current CDC guidelines as well as local restrictions in Chicago. Registrations will be on a first come, first served basis so early registration is encouraged. Currently, we expect to have a maximum of five (5) examination teams, which will limit our ability to host a large examination.

The ABP is also pleased to announce two innovations to help reduce the potential impact of traveling during this period of time:

1. All Section C Scenario examinations will be conducted remotely/virtually online, which will eliminate any travel to the examination site. This is a trial event that will be evaluated for potential future exams. The most critical feature of this innovation is that candidates will need to be at their highest ethical standard to prevent any type of cheating or compromising the integrity of the exam. Please read and examine the separate communication outlining the penalties if a candidate is discovered to have compromised the exam process.

2. Section B, Oral Only exams will be conducted remotely/virtually online to eliminate any travel to the examination site. This is also a trial event to help reduce travel risk, candidate expense.

All Section B (Parts 2, 3, and 4) and Section D examinations will be held on site at the Swisshotel, following our usual exam format. However, the ABP reserves the right to cancel the examination if local conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic dictate.

By holding this examination, the American Board of Prosthodontics is striving to provide those candidates whose certification could impact their immediate professional obligations and/or where travel to and from the United States might be compromised during this pandemic, the opportunity to challenge the ABP examination.

Each candidate must evaluate their personal situation, and all the risks currently associated with travel to Chicago this fall for this examination. As the ABP did with this past February examination, we will provide personal protection equipment (PPE), and will require all candidates to utilize the PPE provided during the examination.

Please follow the ABP website for continuing information on this examination.

Thomas J. McGarry, DDS, FACP
ABP President


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