

Annual Session News  

Annual Session 2022 4-Star Sponsors


Our thanks to the 4-Star sponsors of the 2022 Annual Session, Straumann, Ivoclar, and Nobel Biocare for their support of the ACP.

In addition to their 4-Star sponsorship, Straumann supports the Joint Educators Conference, sponsored 15 Resident Scholarships to the Annual Session, and will sponsor the Thursday and Friday breaks.

Ivoclar is supporting the Joint Educators Conference, the Welcome Reception, sponsored 2 Resident Scholarships to the Annual Session, and will be hosting a Lunch & Lecture on Saturday.

Nobel Biocare is sponsoring the Annual Awards & Presidents Dinner, and is sponsoring 5 Resident Scholarships to the Annual Session.

You can visit all three of these sponsors at their booth in the Exhibit Hall throughout the duration of the meeting.


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