

Annual Session News  

Annual Session Program Highlight: Saturday, Oct. 30


The 2021 Annual Session of the ACP, Collaborations: The Key to Excellent Outcomes, is a little over a month away. The event begins on Tuesday, Oct. 26 and continues through Saturday, Oct. 30. This year's meeting highlights the importance of collaborating cross dental specialties for maximum patient satisfaction.

On Saturday, Oct. 30, the morning begins with a preview of the 2022 Annual Session before the Keynote Presentation and daily scientific sessions.

The first scientific session will be Connection with the Non-Medical World I, moderated by Lisa Lang, DDS, MS, MBA, FACP, and will include the following sessions:

  • KEYNOTE PRESENTATION - The Anticipatory Prosthodontist: A Proven Model to Predict Change & Create Extraordinary Results – Daniel Burrus
  • The Ethics of Interprofessional Collaboration: Why it is Not Nearly as Simple as it Sounds – Jos V.M. Welie, MA, MMedS, JD, PhD

Following is the Connection with the Non-Medical World II scientific sessions moderated by Jane Brewer, DDS, MS, and will include the following sessions:

  • Attachments for the Prosthodontic Practice – Chris Bormes, MICOI
  • The Intricate Professional: Company Collaboration in Search of Improved Patient Outcomes – Dale G. Howes, B.Sc.(Dent), BDS, M.Dent.(Pros)
  • Patient Collaboration: The Art of Applying the Science – Gary M. DeWood, DDS, MS

Saturday marks the conclusion of the 2021 Annual Session, all scientific sessions will be on demand following the event for registrant review. To see the full lineup of speakers, learn more about the pricing breakdown, and register for the event, you can visit ACP51.com today!


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