
Datashock: Artificial Intelligence, Connectedness, and Readying for the Big Data Future


Keynote Presentation
Datashock: Artificial Intelligence, Connectedness, and Readying for the Big Data Future
4:30 - 5:45 P.M. CST
Jennifer Golbeck, PhD

The future is going to be driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Huge power lies in smart algorithms combined with the vast amount of big data generated by sensors, Internet of Things devices, and human behavior – from financial transactions to social interactions to increasingly trackable behavior.

How will AI help people make better decisions? How will it affect or even potentially replace some human tasks altogether? How could it alter long-standing practices in your industry? Where do business opportunities lie in leveraging new technological capabilities, and how can organizations prepare for these changes? The key, according to Dr. Jennifer Golbeck, is to focus on the strategic impact of these technologies.

As a computer scientist and Director of the Social Intelligence Lab at the University of Maryland, College Park, Dr. Golbeck not only studies the most cutting-edge developments in Artificial Intelligence up close, but she and her team create the types of algorithms that are making those types of advancements possible in the first place. In this talk, organizations will learn how to recognize disruptive AI, assess its potential, and prepare for a data- and algorithm-driven future.

Her research also focuses on analyzing and computing with social media and creating usable privacy andsecurity systems. She writes for Slate and The Atlantic and frequently appears on NPR.