

ACP News, ACP Messenger News  

Authenticity in the Fall ACP Messenger

ACP-Msgr-Fall2017The digital issue of the Fall ACP Messenger is now online!

This issue is dedicated to authenticity and how it guides prosthodontics, as well as how it inspires creativity and advancement. This enables us to deliver unique care, allowing our patients to be themselves.

Articles throughout the issue include a case presentation from Dr. Luis Sarmiento that shares his story of friendship with a one-of-a-kind patient; life as an educator from Dr. Shelby Alexander; and thoughts on leadership in approaching complex conditions with other specialists. Elsewhere in this issue are an update on specialty recognition, a preview of the practice management sessions at the Annual Session, and much more.

Two versions of the Fall ACP Messenger are available: one that has been optimized for e-readers and tablets and a PDF version for offline reading.

Dated Oct. 18, 2017


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