

Journal of Prosthodontics News   October 15, 2019

Awards for Leading Edge Research in the Journal of Prosthodontics


The American College of Prosthodontists is pleased to announce the winners of the first-ever Journal of Prosthodontics awards program.

“After examining all articles published in the Journal over the last year, a panel of editors selected the three winners for their high quality research, writing, and scientific merit, and their relevance to prosthodontics,” said Dr. Radi M. Masri, Editor-in-Chief. "These articles embody the high quality, cutting edge research the Journal is known for. We are happy to celebrate such superb research."

Awardees receive a cash prize and recognition in the Journal. Learn more about the three selected articles and access them below. 

Basic Scientific Research Award

Differential Mucosal Gene Expression Patterns in Candida-Associated, Chronic Oral Denture Stomatitis, by researchers from the University of North Carolina, Touro College of Pharmacy, and ACP member Dr. Sompop Bencharit from the Virginia Commonwealth University.

This article seeks to better understand denture stomatitis by comparing the transcriptome of healthy oral mucosa to mucosa with chronic oral stomatitis-associated Candida albicans infection.

Clinical Science Research Award

Early Implant Failures in Edentulous Patients: A Multivariable Regression Analysis of 4615 Consecutively Treated Jaws by researchers from the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

In this study, 4615 edentulous jaws treated with dental implants from 1986 to 2013 were examined for incidence and risk factors of early implant failure. Researchers found that increasing the implant surface roughness and older age at implant insertion both decreased the risk for implant failure.

The David A. Felton Award for Best Case Report

Full-Arch Implant-Supported Rehabilitation Guided by a Predicted Lateral Profile of Soft Tissue by researchers from Sichuan University in Chengdu, China and ACP member Dr. Hai Zhang with the University of Washington.

This clinical report describes a digital workflow to predict lateral profiles and implant placement, and restoration fabrication in full-arch implant-supported rehabilitation of patients with severe periodontitis.

Congratulations to all selected articles and authors. The Journal is looking forward to another successful year of promoting the advanced study and practice of prosthodontics, implant, esthetic, and reconstructive dentistry.

If you are interested in submitting a manuscript for consideration, visit the Journal of Prosthodontics online submission and review website.


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