

Journal of Prosthodontics News   September 14, 2020

Canalis Sinuosus: An Anatomic Repair That May Prevent Success of Dental Implants in Anterior Maxilla


Now online in the Journal of Prosthodontics, a report from Drs. Gabriela Lopes dos Santos, Carla Renata Sanomiya Ikuta, Leda Maria Pescinini Salzedas, Glauco Issamu Miyahara, and Kellen Cristine Tjioe.

Canalis sinuosus (CS) is a neurovascular canal that corresponds to a small branch of the infraorbital canal. Although quite common, it is an often-overlooked anatomic structure that is not recognized by many dental practitioners and may be the cause of unintended injuries during dental procedures.

In this case report, the authors describe a case of a patient who suffered pain due to exposure of the CS, provide a review of other CS cases that were challenging to diagnose, and propose guidelines for preoperative examination of patients undergoing surgical procedures in the anterior maxilla.

Lopes dos Santos G, Ikuta CRS, Salzedas LMP, et al. Canalis sinuosus: an anatomic repair that may prevent success of dental implants in anterior maxilla. J Prosthodont 2020. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/jopr.13256


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