

Anniversary News   September 14, 2020

Celebrating the ACP's 50th Anniversary: Dr. Larry M. Over


"I have this wonderful photo of myself and Dr. Charles Goodacre (pictured, left) that was taken at the ACP Prosthodontic Review Course in Seattle in Sept. 2018. Charlie was my program director at Indiana when I was a resident there from 1989-1992. Dr. Jerry Andres (not pictured) was my maxillofacial director. Both these educators played a vital role in my education as a maxillofacial prosthodontist. I owe my profession to them and I am eternally thankful for their dedication to educating me. They were both very instrumental in encouraging me to become Board certified and they became lifelong friends to me. To both of them, I am most grateful." - Dr. Larry M. Over (pictured, right)

Which decade did you join the ACP? 1980's

What is one word you would use to describe the ACP? Comradery

What has been the most significant or impactful accomplishment of the ACP? Prioritizing private practice.

What has been your involvement in the ACP/ACPEF for which you are most proud? Being a regular donor.

How has the ACP/ACPEF influenced you personally and/or professionally? It makes me proud to be a member of such a strong organization.

What prosthodontist has most inspired you during your career journey? Dr. Charles Goodacre and Dr. Richard Jones.

What would you say to the next generation of prosthodontists about the ACP? The best decision you will ever make is joining.

What advice would you give to your younger self when you first joined the ACP? Attend the meetings and stay involved.

To submit your memories of the ACP in celebration of the 50th Anniversary, click HERE.

Many members are celebrating the ACP’s 50th anniversary by donating to the ACPEF's 50 for 50 Appeal, a special effort to steward the next 50 years. Consider joining as a supporter this year!


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