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CODA Approves Revised Prosthodontic Standards

At the most recent meeting of the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA), the proposed revisions to the Accreditation Standards for Advanced Specialty Education Programs in Prosthodontics were approved and adopted as the Standards for Prosthodontic Education, effective July 1, 2016.

In short, all dental practitioners who pursue specialty training in prosthodontics will be competent in the surgical placement of dental implants, as defined in the Standards.

This is an enormous milestone for the ACP and represents the culmination of years of effort. Prosthodontic Commissioner Dr. Steve Campbell presented a compelling and thorough argument for these new Standards.

The current Accreditation Standards for Advanced Specialty Education Programs in Prosthodontics will remain in effect until the July 2016 implementation date set by CODA.

You can view the newly adopted Standards here.


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