Controversies & Innovations in Prosthodontics:
Exploring Biologic & Technologic Principles
Orlando, Oct. 21-24

The ACP Board of Directors, Annual Session program committee, and ACP staff extend their thanks to everyone who was part of the "crown jewel" of the College and the specialty.
Dr. Frank J. Tuminelli, ACP President and Dr. Jonathan Zamzok, Program Chair welcomed nearly 1,100 professional attendees to Orlando -- the third highest total in ACP history!
Photos from Annual Session
Lab Coat Headshots
Did you visit the ACP Photo Booth to take a professional headshot? Headshots were sent by email immediately and they are now available for download. If you like your headshot, send it to the ACP staff to update your Find a Prosthodontist search entry.
Photo Gallery
Did you have your photo snapped by the ACP photographer in Orlando? Photos from throughout the week are now online.
Browse through the albums by day on the ACP Shutterfly Site and see if you can find yourself or your friends and colleagues! Download any photos you like for use on social media, your practice website, and more.
Program Information
Review the Schedule at a Glance or the Preliminary Scientific Program to see what occurred during the week. Speaker bios and disclosures are available for review.
Wednesday (Quick Look):
Board Preparation Course (Agenda)
Joint Educators Conference
Scientific Session: Updates in Prosthodontics
Region 7 (International) Meeting
Welcome Reception
Thursday (Quick Look):
Scientific Session: Preservation vs. Replacement
Scientific Session: The Prosthodontist's Role Revisited
Resident & Dental Student Poster Session (Abstracts)
ACPEF Donor Recognition Reception
Friday (Quick Look):
John J. Sharry Prosthodontic Research Competition (Agenda)
ACP Member Speaker Forum (Abstracts)
Scientific Session: Innovations in Prosthodontic Therapy: Is Digital Dentistry Ready for Prime Time?
Scientific Session: Controversies in Prosthodontic Therapy: Thinking Outside the Box
Resident/New Prosthodontist Reception
ACP Annual Awards & President's Dinner
Saturday (Quick Look):
ACP Regional Town Hall Breakfast
Corporate Partner Symposia:
Scientific Session: The Laboratory Connection: Techniques, Innovations, and Pearls from the Experts
Transitioning into Private Practice (Agenda)
Program Committee
Many thanks to the members of the 2015 Annual Session Program Committee:
Dr. Jonathan Zamzok, Chair
Dr. Frank J. Tuminelli, ACP President
Dr. Stephen Campbell
Dr. Stephen Chu
Dr. Carl Driscoll
Dr. Thomas McGarry
Dr. Jacinthe Paquette
Dr. Joerg Strub
Dr. Hans-Peter Weber
Over 50 exhibitors attended this year's meeting! Thank you to all of our 2015 exhibitors!
2016 Exhibitors
Interested in exhibiting next year?
Contact Us
Phone: (312) 573-1260
Fax: (312) 573-1257


The Annual Session draws 1,100 attendees and registration has consistently increased over the past five years. To assist our corporate partners in maximizing their exposure to this very influential group, the ACP offers flexible sponsorship packages designed to fit a variety of budgets and a chance for premium visibility.
A guide to sponsorship opportunities is available. Contact education@prosthodontics.org to inquire further.
For questions about the ACP's 45h Annual Session in Orlando, please contact:
ACP Central Office
(312) 573-1260
Program Disclaimer
All programs and events are subject to change and/or cancellation because of scheduling conflicts, low registration and/or circumstances beyond the control of the ACP. The ACP does not recommend or endorse a specific test, product course of treatment, procedure, opinion or other information mentioned during the ACP Annual Session.
The ACP, its contractors and attending news media may be photographing, videotaping, audio-taping or webcasting scientific sessions and events at the Annual Session. By attending the ACP Annual Session, attendees acknowledge these activities and agree to allow their image to be used by the ACP in association publications, on the ACP’s website, and in marketing and promotional materials. Photo images are made available to Annual Session attendees and may also be shared with the media. Attendees at the Annual Session waive all claims against the ACP for any liability resulting from these uses.
Only official contracted ACP vendors and working journalists with ACP approved press credentials will be permitted to photograph, video and/or audio tape scientific sessions, the exhibit hall, early bird sessions and Saturday workshops. Individuals recording with personal video/audio equipment or other recording devices (i.e. cell phones, digital or film cameras or tape recorders) without prior permission from the ACP or without proper credentials will be asked to cease recording or using these devices immediately.