

Journal of Prosthodontics News   April 6, 2020

COVID-19 Impact: Print and Distribution of Journal of Prosthodontics


As more and more people are affected by COVID-19 restrictions, we want to share an important update from our Journal of Prosthodontics publisher Wiley, regarding decisions they’re making to manage publishing operations during the pandemic.

Like many of us, Wiley and their vendor-partners in most regions around the world are now working from home. This, in combination with some country-wide lockdowns, is leading to disruption throughout the publishing workflow.

Right now, the most acute challenge is in the distribution of print content. In many countries, distribution of print materials is suspended, making it impossible to ensure copies reach intended destinations. Fewer passenger flights and the need to prioritize medical supplies has also reduced the availability of air freight.

Given these obstacles and concerns, as well as desire to reduce pressure on supply-chain vendors to send their employees to work and increase their risk of exposure to the virus, Wiley has made the decision to suspend all printing and distribution of journal issues until further notice.

The upcoming April issue of the Journal will publish online-only. ACP members will continue to have access to all Journal articles and issues through the ACP website.

We will be working closely with our team at Wiley to help members who rely on print copies to access the journal digitally. We’ll share more information on options for alternative access as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out with any immediate questions and we will work with our team at Wiley to provide more information. COVID-19 is creating a very fast-moving situation, but both ACP and Wiley are committed to ensuring the least disruption as possible to the assessment and dissemination of research in these challenging times.


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