

Journal of Prosthodontics News   June 10, 2019

Customized Repositioning Stent for Radiotherapy


Now online in the Journal of Prosthodontics, Drs. Vincent Sung Kin Lee, Caroline Nguyen, and Jonn Wu present the results of a feasibility study to assess the effect of using a customized oral repositioning stent on patient positioning during the course of radiotherapy.

Radiotherapy is one of the main treatment modalities for head and neck cancers. To minimize damage to normal tissues during radiotherapy, various methods of stabilization have been used, including thermoplastic facemasks and repositioning stents. The authors of this study found that by using a customized repositioning stent, it was possible to maintain patient stability comparable to prior protocols and within the range of clinical guidelines, while providing superior comfort and ease of insertion to the patients.

Lee VS, Nguyen CT, Wu J: The fabrication of an acrylic repositioning stent for use during intensity modulated radiation therapy: A feasibility study. J Prosthodontdoi:10.1111/jopr.13074 


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