

ACP News, Advocacy News   August 20, 2019

Dental Specialty Group Meets in Chicago


In August, the ACP hosted the summer meeting of the Dental Specialty Group in Chicago. With representatives from all of the recognized specialties in attendance – including the newest group to receive formal recognition, the American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists – this meeting was intended to foster collaboration among specialty organizations and advance mutual interests for dental specialists.

Representatives from the ADA attended the open session to provide updates and receive questions on matters including advocacy at the federal level, repeal of parts of the McCarran-Ferguson Act relating to dentistry, legislative action on surprise billing, and more. Also discussed was the Coalition for Modernization of Dental Licensing, which was founded by the ADA, the American Student Dental Association, and the American Dental Educators Association. The ACP is a member of the coalition, which is engaged in active outreach to dental schools and specialty groups. The goals of the coalition are to establish valid and reliable examinations for dental licensure that do not include the use of single encounter, procedure-based examinations on patients; and to achieve portability of licensure for dentists moving from state to state.

Led by ACP President Dr. Nadim Z. Baba, the meeting also included an update on the process for specialty recertification, which will be conducted for the first time by the National Commission on Recognition of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards. As a member of the ACP, you belong to the organization that represents the specialty of prosthodontics and ensures national recognition of the specialty.


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