

Journal of Prosthodontics News  

Effect of Artificial Aging on Optical Properties and Crystalline Structure of High-Translucency Zirconia


Now online in the Journal of Prosthodontics, an original research article co-authored by ACP member Eszter Somogyi-Ganss DMD, MSc Pros, PhD, FRCD(C).

This in vitro study investigated the effect of different aging protocols on the optical properties and crystalline structure of high-translucency (HT) zirconia.

Thirty-six specimens of HT and extra-high translucency (XT) zirconia were divided into three groups: control (CO)—no treatment; hydrothermal aging (HA)—autoclave aging for 12.5 h at 134°C, 2 bar; clinically related aging (CRA)—aging in the chewing simulator for 1.2 million cycles, followed by 50,000 thermocycles (5–55°C) and immersion in HCl (pH 1.2) for 15 h.

Optical properties, crystalline structure, and surface roughness were then analyzed. There was no statistically significant effect of aging on translucency (p = 0.10), but CRA promoted the development of a high contrast ratio. Aging did not cause significant color changes for HT and there was no effect of any aging protocol on the surface roughness. Hydrothermal aging affected the crystalline structure of HT-zirconia, and clinically related aging compromised the optical properties of extra-high translucency zirconia.

Hajhamid, B, Bozec, L, Tenenbaum, H, De Souza, G, Somogyi-Ganss, E. Effect of artificial aging on optical properties and crystalline structure of high-translucency zirconia. J Prosthodont. 2023; 1– 9. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopr.13648


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