

ACPEF News   August 15, 2018

Halfway to Goal!

Amerian_SonesThe 2018 ACPEF Member Annual Appeal has a goal of $165,000 and is currently halfway there! Thank you to each of the individuals to date who have made this progress possible.

"I have been considering donating for a couple of years and have now made that commitment as I have been extremely proud of the accomplishments of the ACP and our profession in recent years," said Dr. Amerian Sones.

"So many positive changes have occurred since I was a resident and these are exciting times for prosthodontics. A co-donor with me is my supportive husband Dr. Lawrence E. Wolinsky who also is proud of the innovations and collaborations of ACP with other specialists. We believe in the visionary leadership reflected in the ACPEF goals.

"I hope that our contributions will enable and mobilize the mission of the ACPEF and make an impact in the future of our specialty as well as inspire the next generation of prosthodontic leaders."

To join with Dr. Sones and many more fellow members, make your donation by clicking here.


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