

ACP News, Urgent or Breaking News for ACP Members  

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma: Ways You Can Help

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

The ACP's thoughts are with all of our members and their families in Texas, Florida, and other communities impacted by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

Thank you for your inquiries on how to help. We have explored several options for you to donate to those in need.

  • You can volunteer or donate to the American Red Cross. Click here to make a donation specific to those who were affected by Hurricane Harvey, and click here for Hurricane Irma.
  • The Salvation Army is ready to assist with the disaster relief efforts by accepting monetary and clothing donations. You can also assist with their disaster teams.
  • Donation and volunteer information is available here if you would like to contribute to The George R. Brown Convention Center (GRBCC), the designated shelter for those in need. The GRBCC and other organizations are in need of toiletries, bottled water, and supplies.
  • Mayor Sylvester Turner of Houston has established the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. You can make tax deductible flood relief donations for victims that have been affected by the recent floods.
  • Destinations International has also provided a list of ways to donate on their website.

The American College of Prosthodontists will make a donation to support the relief efforts and we hope that you will join us in supporting these efforts. We hope that this helps in some small way.



Susan E. Brackett, DDS, MS, FACP

Dated Aug. 31, 2017



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