

Journal of Prosthodontics News   December 26, 2018

Implant Failure in the Journal of Prosthodontics


In the January issue of the Journal of Prosthodontics and online now, Dr. Alan Carr and colleagues present the results of an implant-level analysis of data in a prospective clinical database of all adult patients treated with implants and followed up from January 2000 through December 2014 at the Department of Dental Specialties at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

Among 8762 implants in 2787 patients, 4.5% failed within the first year of placement at a mean (SD) of 127 (97) days. No associations were found between early implant failure and use of a cover screw, prosthesis, or definitive or provisional prosthesis at implant placement.

Three of 25 single crowns failed, and use of a single crown was significantly associated with early implant failure. This study identified no significant associations between prosthodontic characteristics identified after implant placement and early implant failure.

The authors conclude that "[u]se of a prosthesis at implant placement, use of a definitive or provisional prosthesis, and early mechanical complications were not associated with increased risk of early implant failure. Quality improvement efforts should focus on aspects of decision making that aim to decrease surgical complications."

Citation: Carr AB, Sinha N, Lohse CM, et al: Association between early implant failure and prosthodontic characteristics. J Prosthodonti doi:10.1111/jopr.13003


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