

ACP News   February 4, 2020

Inaugural ACP Section Leadership Workshop


The inaugural ACP Section Leadership Workshop was held Jan. 11-12, 2020 at Nobel Biocare’s facility in Yorba Linda, CA. Eighteen ACP section officers and emerging leaders representing 10 ACP state sections gathered for informative lectures and valuable collaboration.

Attendees viewed and participated in presentations focused on strengthening leadership and communication skills, strategic planning, and financial responsibility. ACP President-Elect Dr. Mark C. Hutten shared his own experience revitalizing the Illinois Section and explained how that experience guided him toward ACP national leadership. ACP President Dr. Stephen I. Hudis discussed the organizational composition of the ACP and ACPEF, giving further explanation of how sections fit in that structure and tie into the current strategic plan.

The event was sponsored by Nobel Biocare and the ACP Education Foundation. In addition to the robust presentations and discussions, Nobel Biocare provided tours of their facility and hosted presentations from their leadership and Dr. Sundeep Rawal. Dr. Hudis closed the workshop with a group discussion on trends and issues impacting state sections. Section leaders were able to share the successes of their sections and provide suggestions to overcome obstacles that other sections may be encountering. The ACP Central Office will work closely with attendees and other section leaders to develop helpful tools and strategies to improve section engagement and value for our members.

Attendees found the workshop to be engaging and enlightening.

“The program helped me look at the ACP in a different way. I never really appreciated the different levels and facets the organization has. Or, how I could participate in it. Dr. Hutten's pathways to leadership and Dr. Hudis's breakdown of the ACP structure were eye opening. They gave us a whole lot of ammunition for the question always asked, ‘What does the ACP do for me?’” said workshop attendee and Connecticut Section Vice President Dr. Damon T. Jenkins.

The workshop will be held again in 2021.


Special thanks to Nobel Biocare and the ACP Education Foundation for supporting the Section Leadership Workshop:



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