

Annual Session News   July 18, 2018

Invite Your Referral Network to Baltimore


Do the members of your referral network understand all of the skills and expertise that you bring to patient care? When potential referral sources see the state-of-the-art solutions and advances in technology, materials, and treatment planning on display at the ACP Annual Session, they'll understand the complex problems you can solve and the advanced patient care that you can deliver.

By attending key lectures, you both will expand your knowledge and improve your skills as practitioners. Your patients will benefit immeasurably from information learned during these sessions. With events such as the Welcome Reception, they'll have a great time, too.

Members may sponsor non-prosthodontist dentists at a discounted rate of $700 per person. Download the sponsored dentist registration form and return by email or by fax at (312) 573-1257.


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