

Journal of Prosthodontics News  

Join us at the Journal of Prosthodontics Workshop at Annual Session


Join our interactive workshop session titled "Writing Effective Abstracts and Enhancing Article Quality for the Journal of Prosthodontics" on Friday, Oct. 27 at 2:00 p.m. as part of the 2023 ACP Annual Session.

Sompop Bencharit, DDS, MS, PhD, FACP, Associate Editor of the Journal of Prosthodontics will lead this session.

Dr. Bencharit will guide attendees through the nuances of crafting impactful abstracts and enhancing article quality within the dynamic field of prosthodontics. Planned activities include analyzing sample abstracts, crafting structured abstracts, and participating in simulated peer reviews. The session will also cover the intricacies of abstract structuring, the editorial review process, and strategic article submission tactics.

To attend, you can add the Journal of Prosthodontics Workshop to your Annual Session registration. The cost to attend the workshop is $50 and the course will be worth 1.5 hours of continuing education credits.

For more information and to register, visit ACP53.com today! 


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