

Journal of Prosthodontics News  

Journal of Prosthodontics 2021 Highlights


Happy New Year from the Journal of Prosthodontics! The Journal editorial office was closed Dec. 23 through Dec. 31 so there will be a delay in processing and reviewing submissions received during that time. We are working through the backlog as quickly as possible. Thank you to our dedicated editors and reviewers for their hard work throughout the year!

Some 2021 Highlights

  • Impact Factor for the JOP increased to 2.752; the Journal is proud that the Impact Factor has increased every year since 2012.
  • Processed 800 original submissions and averaged 19 days to send a first decision.
  • Published 9 regular print issues, 2 online-only special issues (Occlusion and Digital Dentures), and an updated edition of the Glossary of Digital Dental Terms.
  • Compiled a virtual issue on Implant Complications in Prosthodontics.
  • Selected three articles for the annual Best Paper Awards; winners are highlighted on the Journal homepage.
  • Welcomed two new Associate Editors, Dr. Marta Revilla-León and Dr. Geoffrey A. Thompson, and two Social Media Editors, Aseel Altemimi and Ninoska Enriquez.

Looking forward in 2022, we will be publishing an online-only special issue on 3D Printing in Prosthodontics in the coming weeks and will be launching JOP social media accounts soon. Stay tuned for more information!

ACP members can access our recently published articles and issues online.


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