

Journal of Prosthodontics News   April 9, 2019

Journal of Prosthodontics Award Named for Dr. David A. Felton


This fall, the Journal of Prosthodontics will present its inaugural awards for best manuscripts published in the Journal, including the David A. Felton Award for best research manuscript.

Dr. Felton was the Journal’s editor-in-chief from 2003 to 2018. During his tenure, the JoP grew from a quarterly publication to one that published 9 issues a year. He implemented online submission and review, established an editorial review board, and ensured that the JoP was listed yearly on the Journal Citation Reports list of journals with an impact factor, a measure of a journal’s significance to the scientific community.

As a small way to recognize Dr. Felton’s importance to the Journal of Prosthodontics, the ACP, and prosthodontic research more broadly, the JoP Awards Committee (led by Associate Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Sharon Siegel) will select the best annual research article published in the JoP for the $2000 David Felton Award.

The awards will be prior to the 2019 Annual Session in Miami. In addition to a cash prize, the awarded articles will be recognized in an issue of the Journal of Prosthodontics, and the authors will have an opportunity to share their opinions regarding the importance of their work to the field. Other prizes will be granted for best clinical report, and best review article.

If you or your colleagues have research or an intriguing clinical report you think would make a good JoP article, and be to be considered for the first annual Journal of Prosthodontics awards program, please submit at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jopr. If you have any questions, please contact Alethea Gerding, Managing Editor of the Journal of Prosthodontics at agerding@prosthodontics.org.


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