

Annual Session News, Journal of Prosthodontics News  

Journal of Prosthodontics Workshop Announcement


At this year’s ACP Annual Session, the Journal of Prosthodontics workshop is open to all registrants at no additional cost. The presentation is on ‘Getting to Manuscript Acceptance with Great Photography and Figures’ and will focus on how to prepare high-quality, publication-ready figures, photographs, illustrations, and tables to effectively showcase your research in publication. The workshop will also cover imaging system outputs, image size and file size requirements, legends and labeling, layout for paneled figures, preferred file types and resolution for line art (graphs, flowcharts, diagrams, etc), software, and Journal of Prosthodontics submission and publication requirements.

Mauricio Hervas, DDS, MS, FACP, will present on photography in research publications. Nydia Cummings, MS, PhD, will discuss how to generate publication-quality figures, and share recommendations for software. JOP Associate Editor-in-Chief Sharon C. Siegel, DDS, MS, MBA, will moderate the discussion.

We hope you will join us on Thursday, Oct. 28 at 9:00 a.m. CT. To attend, you must be registered for the Annual Session. Once registered, all you have to do is join the presentation in the virtual platform.


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