

ACP News   May 31, 2013

New! Sleep Apnea Tools for Prosthodontists to Use Today


To chart a course for its new strategic directions, the ACP PR Team is pleased to announce FREE new tools for prosthodontists to use in their local markets to position their practice as a “go-to” source to screen for and treat sleep apnea.  

Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition--patients need screening and treatment options from you as a prosthodontist.   It’s as easy as 1-2-3! 

1.  Dr. Reva Barewal has provided the ACP PR Team with sleep apnea screening questionnaires that she uses in her private practice with patients.  Now on prosthodontics.org, download and use to screen patients for sleep apnea as part of their visit. 

2.  Watch the ACP’s new patient video about sleep apnea and play it in your waiting rooms, post it to your private practice website or share the link. 

3.  Customizing the ACP’s template letter to the editor or press release for your local market. 

If sleep apnea is indicated, share patient education resources such as conditions and resources from prosthodontics.org as well as consider where you would refer your patients to go and to which sleep doctor you’d recommend to conduct a sleep study diagnosis.    

This June, take a moment to identify and build a relationship with a local sleep clinic, sleep medicine doctors, or a hospital so that if the new questionnaires prosthodontists use indicate sleep apnea, you’ll recommend patient go to get tested and build a referral relationship.

By introducing yourself as a prosthodontist to local sleep physicians you become a valuable resource for referrals to sleep physicians and if an oral device (OTA) is recommended treatment option for the patients, prosthodontists custom-make this treatment option and can work within the multi-disciplinary team to monitor and adjust to ensure it works to reduce sleep apnea and that it’s comfortable for patients to wear. 

Add value to patient care as an important member of the multi-disciplinary patient care team.  Build a referral network of sleep medicine physicians (such as Dr. Barewal does in the ACP video) to help patients get tested to improve patient outcomes.  Dr. Chad Hagen, a sleep doctor, mentions that sleep apnea is best treated by a multi-disciplinary team where prosthodontists and sleep physicians work together to improve patient outcomes as its a serious medical condition.

Access the Sleep Apnea video for prosthodontists to download and play in your patient waiting rooms to promote the role of prosthodontists in screening for and oral appliance therapy (OTA)—a custom-fitted oral device designed by a prosthodontist and approved by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine as a treatment option for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea. 


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