

Journal of Prosthodontics News  

New Submission Platform for the Journal of Prosthodontics


The Journal of Prosthodontics has a new submission platform, Research Exchange (ReX). ReX simplifies the submission process for authors and should reduce the time it takes to submit a manuscript to the Journal. ReX will automatically populate submission fields with key data from uploaded files such as names, article title, institution, email address, ORCID, and funding data. After submission on ReX, manuscripts will be automatically imported to ScholarOne. The editorial and peer review workflows will remain unchanged, but authors will only interact with the ReX system.

Authors who submitted new or revised papers before August 14 will continue to work only within the ScholarOne site. This will help avoid confusion and ensure a smooth and positive author experience.

Authors can use their pre-existing Wiley login credentials from Wiley Online Library and/or Wiley Author Services to access ReX. This is not the same as a ScholarOne account or your ACP login. Therefore, if you don’t already have a Wiley account, you will need to create one before submitting. You can register a new account or log in to submit a new manuscript here: https://wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/JOPR

Please direct any questions about new or in-process submissions to Rachel Yehl at ryehl@prosthodontics.org.


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