

NPAW News   January 23, 2019

NPAW: Now is the Perfect Time to Start Planning


This year National Prosthodontics Awareness Week (NPAW) is April 7-13, making now a great time to start preparing!

To help jumpstart your planning, we have gathered all the NPAW resources in one convenient online location.

The first step to a successful NPAW: check out the NPAW Toolkit for planning tips, activity ideas, and downloadable resources, organized by different professional areas.

The next step is to set a goal for NPAW 2019. Do you want to host an event? Reach out to referring dentists? Do pro bono work? Connect with your local media? Whatever your goal is, set it and work toward it with your staff or department!

Check out the NPAW Toolkit, and get ready for a great NPAW 2019!


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