

NPAW News   February 12, 2019

Proclaim That It's NPAW!


One free and easy way to celebrate National Prosthodontics Awareness Week is to submit a proclamation request to your town, city, or state.

A proclamation is a formal recognition of a special observance -- like the international celebration of prosthodontics and the impact that ACP members make on patients' lives!

Start by downloading the Proclamation Request Template from the NPAW Toolkit, editing for your area, and sending it in. The best way to figure out where to send it is to Google "proclamation request" and your town's name.

Last year, official NPAW proclamations were made in areas across the country, covering a population of over 9 million people. One of those proclamations was issued by the Governor of Alabama to ACP member Dr. Cramin P. Wiltz II, who used the template from the NPAW Toolkit to submit his request.

"I wanted this proclamation because I know that prosthodontists across the state of Alabama are hard at work each and every day providing prosthetic services to its citizens," said Dr. Wiltz. "I mailed copies of it to all the prosthodontists that I knew of in the state so that it could be showcased or even submitted to local media so that they could get local coverage. It is important because the more the public knows about who we are and what we do, the more likely people are to seek prosthodontists for prosthetic services."

You can find the Proclamation Request Template and other NPAW resources in the NPAW Toolkit.


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