

NPAW News   March 3, 2020

Proclaim that it's NPAW 2020!


One free and easy way to celebrate National Prosthodontics Awareness Week is to submit a proclamation request to your town, city, or state! A proclamation is a formal recognition of a special observance, like NPAW.

To do this, simply download the Proclamation Request Template from the NPAW Toolkit, edit it for your area, and send it in. The best way to figure out where to send it is to Google “proclamation request” and your town’s name.

In 2019 official NPAW proclamations were made in areas across the country, covering a population of over 23 million people.

Last year Dr. Hunter Dawson, president of the North Carolina section, received a proclamation declaring NPAW in North Carolina. He then shared the good news with the members of the North Carolina section, giving Drs. Paul Scruggs, William Scruggs, and Anthony Molina the chance to enlarge a copy of the proclamation and display it in their office – initiating a lot of discussion about prosthodontics with their patients (pictured above).

You can find the Proclamation Request Template, and other NPAW resources, in the NPAW Toolkit.


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