

ACP News   April 21, 2020

Recognizing 2020 ACP & ACPEF Volunteers


This week is National Volunteer Week, making this a great occasion to recognize the time, talent, and expertise that volunteers contribute to the ACP and ACP Education Foundation. There are also safe opportunities to volunteer in your local community, like the ones suggested by Americorps in this graphic.

Our member-led committees and task forces produce valuable tools such as the Digital Dentistry Curriculum, the National Prosthodontic Resident Exam, and more. Volunteers also develop continuing education programs, help fundraise for the Foundation, and create content for the ACP Messenger. Volunteer commitment is on full display this week for National Prosthodontics Awareness Week.

Sections are an integral part of the ACP, providing opportunities for members to engage with the College through section activities and leadership positions. If you're interested in volunteering with your local section or would like to help organize a virtual section activity, please contact your section officers.

Volunteers are the driving force behind our association.Thanks to volunteers, we are able to provide valuable tools, vibrant community, and exceptional experiences for you.

Thank you to all ACP volunteers. 


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