

NPAW News  

Report your 2023 NPAW Activities


Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's celebration of NPAW! A special thank you to those who participated in the ACP Instagram takeover and posted dynamic and informative content. If you missed anything, you can check out the story highlights on Instagram.

We want to hear how you celebrated NPAW! Please report your NPAW activities to media@prosthodontics.org with the following information:

  • Photos of your event (Or screenshots of online activity).
  • A brief summary of the activity.
  • A quote from you about NPAW and why celebrating is important to you.
  • Any additional details that would be pertinent for reporting purposes.

Even though the week of NPAW is over, you can keep the celebration of our specialty going! Check out the NPAW page on our website where you can continue to use the resources created to promote our specialty any time of year!


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