

NPAW News  

Report your 2024 NPAW Activity!


There is still time to report you 2024 NPAW activities to be included in the official 2024 ACP NPAW Report. Submitted reports may appear in the ACP Messenger, on our social media pages, and on our website.

Thank you to those who have submitted reports, like Dr. Kevin Lassiter, who gave a presentation on Impressions for Fixed Restorations to soldiers and providers at Fort Stewart Army base in Georgia.

To report your activities, please send an email to media@prosthodontics.org with the following information:

  • Photos of your event (or screenshots/graphics for online activities)
  • A brief summary of how you celebrated
  • A quote from you about why celebrating NPAW is important to you
  • Any additional details that would be pertinent for reporting purposes

For the best chance at appearing in this year's NPAW Report, please have all of this information submitted by Friday, May 31. We look forward to learning about how you celebrated this year!


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