

NPAW News   May 16, 2019

Report Your NPAW Activities


So many great things happened this NPAW and we're excited to hear more about them!

Please tell us about your NPAW activities, including digital ones, with as much of the following as you can:

  • WHO was involved and/or impacted;
  • WHAT was the activity;
  • WHERE & WHEN it took place;
  • WHY you got involved (to help inspire others in the future).

Be sure to include photos and captions if possible. Submitted activities could appear in the ACP Messenger, ACP Regional Newsletters, NPAW promotional materials, and more.

This year’s NPAW has come to an end, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop promoting prosthodontics in your community. You can use the NPAW Toolkit and PR Resources to keep the awareness going all year round.

Thanks for all your hard work during NPAW 2019!


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